Saturday 14 April 2012


First up - sorry for the lack of updates recently. I'm deep into writing my new novel, pushing to get ahead with my deadline. It's a very exciting time. I'm currently 46,000 words into the first draft, I'm over the half way stage and on track to finish by the end of May. It's going very well, with no major problems so far.  Writing a novel is hard work; staying focused and getting the words onto the page are a priority. There is no secret to doing it other than discipline.   The novel is my main focus right now with every spare moment spent working on the book.  I don't want to jinx the writing process by going on about too much yet, but when the first draft is complete I'll be posting the title and story details right here.

I do have a couple of short stories that I need to do one final proof read of before posting them here on the blog for download. I'm going to try and fit that in this week and post the first story on here in the next couple of weeks.

There has also been an exciting development regarding my first novel Words Made Flesh, originally published way back in 2000 by Idol Books. Idol ceased publishing in the mid 2000's and the book has been out of print since then.  The good news is that the novel is about to be republished by Random House as an ebook and as part of their print on demand range. There is currently a tentative publication date on September 2012. I'll be posting more information about the book nearer the time.  Also in the pipeline for 2013 is a 10th anniversary edition of my novel The Chain.  I have a lot of surprises  and additional material planned for that book.  The publication might still be a year away but the work starts now.

Bedtime Stories and Body Language are continuing to do well on ebook. The response I've received regarding the books has been great and I'm thrilled to hear how readers are enjoying them. Bedtime Stories is currently available on Amazon for the bargain price of 84p.